Unlock exclusive benefits with SuperUP on!
Maximize your rewards by joining the SuperWAL community and participating in the SuperUP program. By depositing USDT, youβll gain access to enhanced mining rates, significantly increasing your earning potential. But thatβs not allβyour SuperUP points will serve as your gateway to becoming a contributor. As a contributor, you'll enjoy exclusive airdrops and gain access to a development program designed for top members.
The earlier you join, the faster you can unlock these incredible benefits. Donβt miss out on your chance to boost your rewards and be part of the future of decentralized finance.
SuperUP points help you become a Contributor:
Enhance Your SuperUP Points by Depositing USDT
We invite you to deposit USDT to significantly increase your SuperUP points. This contribution plays a vital role in accelerating your mining and directly supports the financial foundation for the continued development and future of the project. It is important to note that this deposit is non-refundable and your participation reflects your commitment to advancing your technological and financial goals with SuperWAL. The points added serve as a testament to your investment in our shared vision of progress and innovation across the broader infrastructure.
Become a Partner to Receive Benefits:
Share 25% of NFTs minting fees to Partners when the platform goes live.
Last updated